27 November 2005

The Fairy Tale continues... and changes...

*stretches, smiling* mmm, another weekend rolls along to its end. It's been a long, relaxing, and generally good one. A few minor things popped up, but were solved with haste, in a satisfactory manner. Much better than times in the past, and for this I am most grateful.

Now, where did I leave off? Honestly, I don't know.

Once upon a time, there was a girl. She appeared to be a regular girl, and most people took her for that, not looking any further than they had to, in their assessment of her. Which was fine with her. She continued on, finding what she needed as she went, gathering a few close friends.

After many years, she stumbled upon a boy... he was somewhat like her, but different also, which caught her eye. So much so, that they decided it would be good to go through life together. So they took the walk, exchanged the symbols, and started their adventures. And what adventures they have had so far... good and bad. They have learned and grown, fought and made up, and managed to get through the more difficult of times together. They have learned things about each other, good and bad. Which, in a round-about way, leads them to Europe.

One of those things that they have learned about each other, is that they share a belief... that they can love each other as much as they do, and also have love for others, that doesn't detract from what they have for each other. It was hinted at even before they decided to be together, and then more so after they joined. Questions were answered, attempts were made and abandoned as they were found to cause more pain that pleasure. Then, they stumbled on the combination that now seems to be the way it should go.

It seems, in this case, to come down to friendship. Friendships that the girl had made, and introduced to the boy, that he then worked on independently. From that came a suggestion, which was discussed and dissected, then put back together and agreed upon. Lest you think this was a short span of time, it wasn't. Not for the base of things that were needed to move forward. Though yes, for some of it, it was. The same has been said of the girl and boy's relationship, which they can only believe means good things to come, since that is still the outcome of their fairy tale, even with the frustration.

For the girl, she has found one to add to her list of those she truly loves. A short list; she has never been one to give it so freely, so she was a bit surprised. But this is where E comes into the story. He holds a place near to that of her Beloved, beloved in his own right, on his own merits. Which also allows for their love to grow of its own right, without detracting from the other. Which it has, and continues to do so.

For the boy, he has also found one, though they take it a bit slower. Having less of an initial basis than the girl and her E, they must build from the beginning, which they have been working on, and it steadily moves forward.

In doing this, the girl and boy have found that they are more able to focus on important things within their own relationship, and that has grown as well. Perhaps because they are trying with others, they are better able to see the missteps they take with each other, and then can focus on those missteps and retrace them. At any rate, it seems to work, and they move forward.

Now... is this all a fairy tale? Do the girl and boy, being together, also hope to bring others into the circle they have built, to make it bigger, to share their love? Do E, and the mystery woman, really exist? Is Denmark a country? *laughs softly* Yes. E and the mystery woman exist. Yes, Denmark is a country. Yes, the girl and boy hope to bring E and the mystery woman into the circle of their love, so they can all be together. Lest you think only naughty thoughts, smack yourself soundly upside the head, then pull your brain out and scrub it a bit. Don't attempt to drag this fairy tale through the muck of base thoughts, it won't stick. Instead, try looking beyond that, to a possibility where people can love so much, so freely, that they can encompass others, without losing anything they have for each other. Is it possible? I have no doubt there will be plenty of naysayers. Luckily for this fairy tale... they are not the writers of it.

My Beloved knows that, more than anything, I love him. I am in love with him. I will be with him, through good and bad, thick and thin. Because he knows this, he can accept that I also love another - E. Just as I know that, more than anything, he loves me. He is in love with me. He will be with me through good and bad, thick and thin. Because I know this, I can accept that he may also love another at some point. I hope it, because as much as I would like to think I am the be-all and end-all for him, I know this isn't true. I cannot fill all that he might need, though we certainly seem to cover a lot with each other. I cannot be ALL to him, because we are not exactly alike, or even exactly complementary. As I learn this, I learn that it's not the worst thing in the world, that he may be able to find fulfillment in the lovely mystery woman. I hope he does, encourage it, because I see it also makes him happy. If I can do that, I'm good.

Now what? Where do we go from here? Well... as a young girl I once knew used to say... the possibilities are endless. I do plan to go along the way hand in hand with the Beloved, E, and whoever else wants to join us... we have room...

12 November 2005

Where to begin?

So much has happened since I last wrote, I'm not even sure where to start. I'll see if I can find the beginning, and go from there. :D

Being a true bleu girl, with all that entails, gives me the advantage of seeing things from different angles. At least, I like to think so, and when I remember to look at them accordingly, life is very good. Even if it doesn't always look that way. Case in point - the beloved and I. I have done a small bit of ranting on our married life, venting my frustrations on the seemingly unending situation of his lack of finding a stable job as I work and support us, and our raging gaming habits. And a ravenously hungry dachschund. This when my own body is demanding I don't, in fairly insistent tones. But, I digress. That too, is for another time, another blog. My frustration with this situation has caused its share of dissension, though it never seemed to affect anything for more than a day or two. Adding another layer to the tale.

Well, it seems of late, that my legendary patience has all but been used up with the beloved and our life. Thoughts filled my head of options, none of them very pleasant, but all of them pointing at the problems that needed to be resolved. After the apparent failure of yet another of our discussions on how to deal with things, I had pretty much had enough. Now, gentle reader, lest you think I resorted to screaming or hair-pulling, let me set your mind at ease. That is not how I resolve anything. I, as generations of true bleu women before, and after, have and will do, began a sulk of such immense proportions, it has yet to be matched.

Yes, I'm quite good at sulking. It's a badge of honor, and also saves me from histrionics most of the time. And, it's effective. Is it a game? No, I never fake-sulk. That takes away from the importance of it when it does happen. Children fake-sulk all the time. As a grown woman, who has won her adulthood the hard way, I know the difference. So, the sulk began. It stretched far and wide, encompassing pretty much everything, until it crashed onto the shores of Denmark. Why Denmark? Because.

During this sulk, I heard from more than a few folks, with support and good ideas, all of which are greatly appreciated, and all of which helped when it was time to end the sulk. What brought about the end? A small, red dog. Well, that and the mistaken reading of something I wrote to someone very precious to me. The beloved stumbled across it, and I really can't be happier that he did. Obviously, in some way, I had managed to be too subtle about my anger and upset over the state of our union. In telling things to my precious one, I was blunt, venting without thought of filtering in any way. Which, in an aside, has let me know that sometimes it's better to be blunt, than to try and be gentle. Anyway, the beloved found our conversation, and it seems to have shocked him to the core. I can't say I'm upset, really, as the results have been truly amazing.

No, don't even think that I will descend into the 'roses and rainbows' happy ending. What I mean is... in the beloved's reading of how I felt about our situation, in plain language, he realized that I wasn't as happy as he seemed to be with things. We spent that weekend discussing the real issues, and since then, he has been more willing to get to the heart of problems, versus just glossing over everything. As well, he has begun taking steps in other areas... and I can only say that each step he takes makes me just a little bit more confident that things are as they were meant to be when we first started out... There is still much to do, but now I am able to see the light, much brighter than before.

Of course, that is not the only thing happening in my life. However, as the most important, it bears first mention. But, there is always more. :D

Now, perhaps a few of you, ok maybe just one of you, are wondering what Denmark has to do with anything. Just this... the precious one lives there. There is much more to that story, believe me. For now, I say this. It's definitely an interesting life, little twists and turns, and the people along the way, that make it amazingly wonderful. I am most glad that I got the interesting life, even when it's a bit... hard... to explain to others. All I know is, as life continues, and we grow, we realize that there's really so much more to be discovered, if we are willing to be open to it. As long as we maintain our sights on what's truly important, then we can experience all of it without getting lost.

So, is there an end? Not even close. But, if it did come now, I could accept it, with this knowledge: I am still madly in love with my beloved one. Because of that, I can say this: E - I am in love with you. And, because of that, I can say this: I can take the bad, because I have so much good to counter-act it. Lest I become maudlin, of course there is so much more, but I'll stop with those two, for now.

What's next? *laughs softly* Who knows... just stay tuned... you know you want to.