11 August 2005

Here we go again

Another day, another chance to get it all right or all wrong. Or partially right, and partially wrong. Or whatever. Today, however, I'm hoping to hit one out of the park. The day started out quite well... mmm... which was good after a fairly restful night. (thank you, love) Then of course a bit of frustration always must rear its head, but I figure it's to remind me that a perfect life would be, in time, very dull.

Lately, I've been in a blue mood. Not a good blue, either. Rather, a vaguely unsettling sort of blue, slightly off-color, and unsure of how to get beyond it. To deal with it, get back to the true blue, I've been reaching out, grasping onto whatever willing hand I see. At the same time, I want to curl myself up tightly, block off everything and everyone, and hide. It's a horrifying thing, in some ways... I'm not sure how to handle it, or any of the things going on that are causing it. Sometimes I see the light at the end of the tunnel, other times it's too blocked to see beyond the end of my nose. I have a rather small nose, so that's not very far.

So, rather than turn this into a complete bitchfest, I'm trying to see the good things. mmm, I got to connect again with someone very special to me... a new friendship is being born... there is still bright potential for a new position (thus the batting practice)... the beloved is working... Cap has completely tossed her support to me for today's interview (for the price of a few breadsticks :D)... so this part of my life isn't nearly as bad as it could be. I am blessed. In spite of me, thank God. Even with the leanings to insanity that lurk in the darker corners of my little mind.

I have not forgotten that I have a road tale to finish. I will, I promise...


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