21 July 2005

Bleh... and strawberries

Every now and again, you run into a day that would have been better spent in bed, possibly with the covers over your head, ignoring the world. For me, today is one of those days. Luckily, I have a bit of support on the side that is helping me keep going, since as much as I might want, I can't hide. So, keep going I do, and wait for the funk to pass.

I guess it would qualify as a blue funk, to be specific... sort of a general malaise that weighs down the spirit a bit, without being so heavy as to push one into a truly dark mood. Had today not been a perfect San Diego day - blue skies, sun, summer hot without being oppressive - who knows where I would have ended up. But, that is best left for another time, another blog.

A couple good things - at the moment I feel someone very near to me who will help me through this little funk. Though we've only recently met, there's just something... and, I've gotten to enjoy one of summer's little treats - fresh strawberry pie. Honestly, how can life be bad, when you have strawberry pie? So, tonight, I'll lose myself in the game - let one of my characters loose to spread havoc and mayhem in a galaxy far far away, and then rest. Tomorrow is another day.

Today's lesson - brought to you forcibly by Life seems to be this - Perspective is the one thing that lets us choose how we feel about any situation that we are faced with. It's all in how you look at it. I guess, for me, I will always be a strawberry pie kind of girl - nothing is that bad, when faced with a piece of fresh made pie. *lifts her fork* Care for a bite?


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