19 July 2005

The Days Pass...

Considering what I tend to do on weekends... sleep later, tease the dog, tease the beloved, play SWG... you would think I could fill columns of blog. But no, not this one... I would rather snatch a few minutes on my lunch hour, than sit and give it a go at the weekend. But, it's my blog, and I'll write when I want to. :p

A slow start to a regular week, though it does have some importance to it... it is the week before I head out on my wild, carefree, girls-driving-cross-country weekend with Caprice. She, the best friend of prior ramblings, is already in Washington, enjoying her time off. I was treated to a brief rundown of the travels up there, which all in all sounded good, except for the small incident of her battery dying on the ferry to the island. I ask you... gentle reader... is it really to hard for someone to think on their own, be a good Samaritan, and help out another person and her daughter as they travel? Obviously, for the ferryfolk in WA state, yes. They had jobs to do, and they did their jobs. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course, the fact that one of our jobs on this planet is to try and make it at least a bit hospitable for those in our midst, and those to come, was overlooked. They summarily pushed her off the ferry, and departed. 'We have a job to do.' Had it been the middle of the day, with cars back and forth, and schedules to be kept, it might be a bit more understandable that they couldn't really take the time, delay the ferry, and jump a stranded motorist and her child. But, it wasn't. If she had been rude, demanding, or generally curmudgeonlike, I could see not wanting to help, out of sheer spite. But, she wasn't. *sighs* And then they wonder why people aren't more friendly? 'nuff said. An unfortunate lesson learned - Hope for the kindness of strangers... depend on yourself. If disappointment comes... at least you know where it comes from.

As I wait, impatiently I might add, for the trip, I also wait to hear if finally I may have a full time job. Not being as patient as I should be, I figure this whole little adventure of being without a good job for the past 18 months was supposed to be some kind of test. If so, I have failed. Completely, miserably, and unapologetically. Though I do keep trying, keep working on doing the right things, wearing the right suits, keeping my resume dusted off... Perhaps I try too much. So, I have taken a different tact with this most recent position... I'm very good at what I do, and continue to be so, but I have decided that being a slave to the position hasn't helped at all. I've decided to relax, do my job to the best of my ability, and mold the position to me. I've spent too much time trying to be what they wanted, and it hasn't worked. In doing so, I've stressed myself out, stressed out my beloved, and irritated Cap to no end. Enough of that. I am now declaring it... all about me. Within reason. *grins*

If only I could get the beloved working, it would ease some of the other stress in my life. But... that is for another blog, another day.

As is the way with life, another lesson: The people you meet in life can either make you or break you, if you let them. You can see what they offer, accept or not, and continue on your way. Just remember... you offer the same things to someone else.


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